Thursday, January 14, 2010

logos, ethos, pathos....

Actually, I don't plan to discourse on the three rhetorical appeals in the title, above. But I do find it positively pathetic that I haven't blogged here in over a month! I've been posting at the Red Hen Press blog (rather sketchily) and doing a lot of other stuff, mainly fixing up the apartment so that, after six months, there are finally more actual pieces of furniture than cardboard boxes. The place is starting to live up to its potential.

I've also been baking a lot of pies. And eating them. More about that another time.


Nicki said...

Ummm. Pie. I'm trying to diet, but today had me eating my emotions. I went with lemon meringue. Tasted like recovery.

PS. Miss you!

Unknown said...

miss you, too! i promise i will be a better reader (and blogger) soon...