Friday, January 16, 2009

for small (?) favors

Bobby left yesterday for a Florida vacation with his uncle, aunt, cousins, and grandparents. Feeling extreme gratitude right now that I did not find out about the plane that crashed into the Hudson River until after I got the call from Uncle Mike saying that their plane (which left from LaGuardia) had landed safely. Also that at least one member of my family is able to avoid the frigid weather (not to mention going to Disney World)!

I was shopping in the Flatiron District and wondered why the streets were clogged with firetrucks and other emergency vehicles. Went blissfully on my way in search of warm clothing and a much-needed replacement for my shredded, ancient comforter. I was in Bed, Bath, & Beyond, as a matter of fact, when Mike called. And it wasn't until hours later, after lugging my parcels home and getting Stella off the bus, that I turned on the radio and heard the terrifying news. Unbelievable. What a miracle that all those on board survived.

Not even thinking about that flight to Chicago I'm taking in a few weeks...


Leightongirl said...

Yes, try not to worry... Although it's inevitable. Glad you had no idea as you ran those errands.

Unknown said...

I believe in destiny, so there is no need to worry, as what will be will be. I don't like flying much as I repeat my mantra, and it is funny, but dh is in aviation and flies the world over and I don't even think about it. Hoping Bobby had a magical trip and give Miss Stella a big hug and kiss from her Jersey girl.