Thursday, April 17, 2008

beliefs, a manifesto?

Well, I think I believe in astrology, too, because out of the blue today my dear friend Tatyana emailed me my weekly horoscope, and here's what it said:

This would be a perfect time for you to write your ultimate personal manifesto. I'm talking about composing a sweeping statement of the core ideas that fuel your lust for life. To get you in the mood, take a look at the following lyrics from Danny Schmidt's song "Company of Friends." "I believe in restless hunger . . . I believe in private thunder . . . I believe in inspiration . . . I believe in slow creation . . . I believe in lips on ears . . . I believe in being wrong . . . I believe in contradiction . . . I believe in living smitten . . . I believe our book is written by our company of friends."

Here's the kicker: Tatyana had not read the previous blog posting. She just thought the horoscope was cool. She's one of several close pals who have been "coaching" and otherwise inspiring me in various ways. In fact, I'm fortunate to have a little group of amazing women, including Moira , Marilyn, and Kathrine, who have been supporting and sustaining each other, artistically and personally--by email. We meet in our virtual ladies' room nearly every day from our various homes across the U.S.--and Europe, in Moira's case. It's a remarkable partnership.

I believe in friendship. And cruciferous vegetables. Tonight's selection: broccoli rabe!

1 comment:

Moira said...

And everyone should believe in Rob Breszny's Free Will Astrology (which is where that one came from; I know because I read mine and a few others' every week). Rob happens to be a Cancer, so I feel a special bond. But not as special as the bond that we have in the virtual ladies' room! Love to you all, Moira