Tuesday, November 09, 2010


  • parent-teacher conferences
  • forms, endless, endless forms to fill out
  • take kids to get blood/urine samples for their physicals (which happened over a month ago)
  • bobby home sick two days
  • stella half day tuesday
  • both kids off thursday for veteran's day
  • keeping up the household
  • WORK: five classes. five billion ungraded written assignments. forgetting things, things slipping through my fingers. the threat of student evaluations. insane and slippery paperwork for four guest speakers' honoraria.
  • a bunch of other stuff i probably forgot.
  • oh, and grief slapping one upside the head, randomly. "part of the process"

ican'tdoit ican'tdoit ican'tdoit ican'tcan'tcan'tcan'tcan't

iwillnotfeelsorryformyself. no.

UGH. ARGH. AUGH. It will pass, I know it will....

Monday, November 08, 2010

light shining in the darkness

In the midst of one of the worst experiences of my life, somehow I have also found myself at the beginning of one of the best. I'm trying very hard not to question or wonder why, and just to accept this wonderful gift. And be very, very grateful.